“Somehow I find it difficult to keep in mind the possibility that the record may sometime be worked over by someone other than myself and that entries sufficient for my purposes may not be of much significance to another!” 4 October 1909
"Einhvern veginn finnst mér erfitt ađ hugsa til ţess ađ skráningar mínar komi hugsanlega einhvern tímann fyrir augu annarra og ađ atriđi sem ţjóna tilgangi mínum verđi hugsanlega til lítils gagns fyrir ađra!" 4. október 1909
Vilhjálmur Stefánsson, Banks eyju 1914
“Somehow I find it difficult to keep in mind the possibility that the record may sometime be worked over by someone other than myself and that entries sufficient for my purposes may not be of much significance to another!” 4 October 1909